Credit and Guarantees:
Banks and Insurance Companies
Evaluate and monitor funded areas
Agricultural risk intelligence
Support your team’s risk analysis processes by providing profile information for financed areas of customers and prospects.
Discover, validate and integrate information and indicators on the map and the risk assessment for current and potential customers. Access the consumption, production and preservation profile data and location of millions of properties in 100% of the territory.
Improve credit rating and rural insurance. Inspect and monitor areas financed / insured by your customers.
Ideal solution for:
- Banks
- Insurers
Assessing and monitoring areas for granting rural credit
You can evaluate and monitor productive areas for granting rural credit and optimize banking activities.
Technical report
Issuance of Technical Reports of the areas that received rural credit in compliance with the mandatory requirements

Spatial.Ag is a company that aims to optimize the agribusiness ecosystem with the intensive use of data and information. To this end, we develop solutions for the main value chains by combining geospatial technologies, artificial intelligence and satellite images.